Best practice - Owner managed businesses, cash receipts, dividends, etc
Question asked by Sean Harrison 7 years ago
Hi guys,
I'm looking to understand what the best practice or Clearbooks preferred methodology is for owner managed businesses who have various income streams.
At the moment I recommend my clients:
- Setup a standing order for monthly loan repayments (where the company owes the Director money).
- Setup a standing order for monthly salary payments, net of tax.
- Check their profitability and run a dividend once a month as required.
Obviously, no client actually follows the advice in step 3 and this can cause a head ache. They primarily have sales in credit cards but a small portion is cash receipts. I can see the sales going through Clearbooks but often they won't deposit the cash for a few weeks, if at all. I record cash sales against a Petty cash bank account. The loan is a separate account on the balance sheet. Sometimes, again against my advice, they will just withdraw the odd £500 from the company account, which I remind them is a dividend.
Do people tend to use the separate accounts by default in Clearbooks? I.e. dividend account, expense account, etc? Or do they use the defaults and then transfer into a DLA? I assume most use a petty cash account to reconcile cash sales that are pending to go into the company bank account?
Thanks, Sean