Add Client email addresses to projects

Question asked by Dave Gibbs 7 years ago

Hi all,

i just wanted to clarify my sanity here and see if there was something i am missing?! Are users able to set specific client email addresses per project?

So we are in the construction industry and when issuing invoices to clients we have to issue all invoices to the payroll department and we also have to cc the relevant QS for each specific project into the invoice submitted (so each project has a different QS but all invoices go to the payroll person).

What would be a massive time saver for us would be if we could set the client cc email address at the project creation level, then when sending invoices the "To" (payroll) & "CC" (Specific QS) are already populated/ selected so we can just add attachments and click send?

It would also be highly useful to us if the documents we attached to the invoice at invoice creation level could also be attached when sending the invoice? possibly with a toggle feature to attach/ not attach those docs and the ability to also attach additional docs? Not sure if this is possible also?

1 Reply

Good Afternoon Dave,

You are not able to set specific client email addresses that relate to a specific project. You are able to achieve this to a similar effect by enabling the "Invoice Multiple Contacts" option under Settings > Configure system > Invoice preferences, which allows you to specify the contact you would send correspondence from the additional contact fields available when creating/modifying contact profiles.

What you may have been confusing this with may be the Project divisions email that allows an alternate project specific email address to be used when making project-specific correspondence.

The latter of your post would need to be submitted to our development team to be reviewed with the hope of implementation in the future.

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