Account codes for pensions
Question asked by Benjamin Snipe 7 years ago
This is a very basic question on account costs for pensions.
I have one employee. The default account codes in Clearbooks include: Payroll (PAYE & NIC) liabilities Employees' NICs Salaries
The four amounts that i pay each month relating to my employee are: PAYE & NIC (er and ee) Employer's pension contribution Employee's pension contribution Salary
I pay PAYE, employer's NIC and employee's NIC all as one payment, so the Clearbooks account code for "Payroll (PAYE & NIC) liabilities" makes sense for that.
I don't know what employee's NIC account code is for in that case.
Most importantly, I don't know what account code to use for pensions contributions (which seem best lumped together).
Any help would be appreciated.