Self Billing supplier bills
Question asked by David Gibbs 7 years ago
Hi all,
We hold self billing agreements with nearly all of our subcontractors, our process for accounting purposes is to pay the subcontractors and then we download (via Yodlee) our transactions and allocate from there. Reading the HMRC guidelines we should be stating on all "bills" created by us on behalf of our subcontractors "self billing" & "The VAT shown is your output tax due to HMRC" for them to be lawful and legible.
So my question is there a way the same as sales invoices that we can create a template for bills that automatically has those statements applied to them? So when we allocate our transactions and the bills are created they automatically have those statements and any other standard wording we choose?
Please help asap with this one as we created hundreds of these bills each week and the whole is getting deeper if we have to go back and manually input this on each bill raised.
Thanks in advance.