Payroll output to meaningful CSV for bank import
Question asked by Paul Green 6 years ago
Hi all, For the last five years we've been stuck doing our payroll manually. This is the first month I get to run it from a batch file. What I need to know is: How do I output the payroll data as a CSV file? I don't need to do this for a week, but thought I'd have a dry run and it's less than obvious.
I see the bankline export - I've clicked it, but it started asking what account to use so not wanting to mess with our data, I bottled it and didn't go any further.
I've seen the CSV payslip export which doesn't export the fields needed.
What I would like to know is whether there is a way to export a custom CSV, or whether the bankline one will be sufficient to use after a bit of editing in Excel?
The format Metro require is:
SortCode, Name, AccountNo, Value, Reference
Thanks Pg