Merging Contacts

Question asked by Gordon Ramsey 6 years ago

Where has the facility to merge contacts gone?

13 Replies

Hi Gordon,

Unfortunately due to a number of issues this feature has now been removed as on a very small number of occasions it could severely affect an account to it's detriment. You can still merge contacts, however. If you raise a support ticket and indicate which contacts you would like to merge we can do that for you.

Kind regards,



Has the issue with merging contacts been resolved yet? It's a feature we used on a frequent basis and whilst I appreciate that the action can still be achieved by raising a ticket with clearbooks, it's inconvenient for users to be unable to use.


Hi Sam,

Unfortunately, this is still in the process of being fixed at the moment. If you need to merge contacts we are more than happy to do this for you via a support ticket.

All the best,


what is the timescale for this to be fixed? its been a while since the issue was first raised?

Hi Tony,

Unfortunately, we do not have a timescale for this as we are still investigating and trying to pin down the cause of the bug. As soon as we have and we feel it is safe to reintroduce the feature we will do so and we will continue to provide the merge feature via support until then as we are aware this is a much needed feature.

All the best,


we also use this feature a lot, and need it to be accessible by us as users

we've never seen any issues with the feature, and our preference is to use it directly rather than have to go to the hassle to raising a support request

surely this should be a feature that can be toggled on and off, so it can be used by competent users, rtaher than just being removed completely

Hi Tony,

I completely understand what you are saying. I believe I have not been entirely clear. The reason was not due to users making a mistake that caused an issue in accounts, but due to a bug in the feature that would lead to massive damage being done to the account and this is not entirely related to user actions either (i.e. it is random)

Thus, in the interest of protecting our users from this bug we have disabled the feature while we try to understand the cause of this bug and remove it. In the meantime as we understand this is a very important feature to some of our users we have decided to do the merger as a support request where we can do this using internal tools that are not subject to the bug and thus safe. I hope this explains the situation.

Kind regards,


thanks for the reply, but as ever where is the communication from clear books that this has been removed and the need to contact support

Hi Tony,

I am sorry that you feel that we have fallen short of your expectations in regards to our communication with users. Our primary concern was to ensure the integrity of user accounts and we have communicated this matter to all those that do use the merge contacts feature and have gotten in touch regarding this.

Kind regards,


clearly you haven't communicated this to users who use this feature, otherwise we wouldnt be raising the issue!

Hi Tony,

I am sorry that you feel like we have not communicated this effectively enough. We have made sure that all users who have enquired as to the feature have been updated on what has occurred, the rationale behind it and on the option of raising a ticket to complete the merger on their behalf.

All I can do is offer you my sincerest apology and hopefully this post in itself will be another way that we have communicated this matter in the clearest and most concise way we can.

kind regards,


you are completely missing the point

users should not have to:

  1. contact support or
  2. ask questions on this forum

to find out that features have been removed or changed - all users should be updated on changes by Clear Books before they happen

its shouldn't be a retrospective line of communication from your end

Hi Tony,

I do agree with you on this and this is indeed an ideal solution, but as I earlier mentioned. This fix was done as an emergency fix and as such we were prioritising repairing the detrimental effects caused by it and also preventing further damage and so our focus was on this for the time being. I will raise your view internally though as, again, I do agree with you on this matter and believe that this is the most helpful and informative way to proceed ordinarily.

Kind regards,


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