IP address of outbound mail

Question asked by Paul Green 7 years ago

Hi all, I'm upping the security on our domain at the moment. Does anyone know if Clearbooks always sends email from the same server, or are there a pool of servers that I need to allow to send on behalf of us?

Happy to just get the email address from the most recent mail, but don't want to do that and find out it could come from a pool of 20 IP addresses.

3 Replies

Hi Paul,

I can help with that. You wouldn't need to use hard coded ranges I do not believe. You would simply need to add the following to your SPF record.


Once this is done it should all work correctly. There is also a guide on SPF records on our site that I have linked below. Please take a look.


Kind regards,


Hiya, it is indeed. Would like to add clearbooks to our SPF record on our DNS server to stop invoices being spam-boxed

Hi Paul,

May I ask quickly whether this is in relation to a whitelisting operation? If so I can definitely help with this.

Kind regards,


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