VAT Return

Question asked by Julie Woodhouse 7 years ago

I've come to prepare my VAT return and getting the following message:-

MTD for VAT: Pending

Your status with HMRC is pending, as your business is not yet signed up to MTD for VAT.

In most cases this is because you recently attempted sign up of the business to MTD for VAT, and HMRC are processing the sign up. Most sign ups complete in between 24 and 48 hours.

I have not started the process with HMRC for setting this Client up for MTD and there does not appear any way of actually producing the VAT return on Clearbooks at present. My quarter end was 31st January 2019 so I need to produce and file this VAT return by 7th March 2019 so somewhat concerned!

What is happening here please?

5 Replies

Hi Paul,

Yes, you must submit MTD VAT returns via Clear Books for any returns that start on or after the 1st of April.


Hi Tommy,

Eventually our VAT will be required for submission after 1st April.

Are you confirming that we can submit our VAT return through clearbooks going forward after 1st April?



Hi Tommy,

We submit our VAT return through our HMRC gateway account.

Will will still be able to do this next time or will we have to sign up for MTD software?

If so is this something clearbooks do?

Many Thanks


Hi Julie,

If you have not yet signed this client up for MTD, you can submit the return through the old method. However, you must turn off MTD for this client by heading to Settings > Configure System > Toggle Features > VAT & Bank Import Tool > Untick MTD Submission.

Once complete, you can then run old VAT returns by heading to Reports > Popular Reports > VAT return.


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