Is it possible to Create Contra Account for Revenue in CB?

Question asked by April Loreto 4 years ago

Hi Team,

Is it possible to Create Contra Account for Revenue in CB? We want to breakdown our Revenue in presenting to our Income Statement against Special Offer/ Period discount and other related.

Can we do that? How?

Thank you

5 Replies

Hi April,

Ah. I understand. You only want to contra the revenue nominal, is that right? If that is the case then I am afraid we do not support that I am afraid.

All the best,


Hi April,

It is indeed possible to create a contra account. You can do so under Money > Bank Accounts and create a bank account named Contra.

All the best,


Hi Mohamed,

Why we need to do it in Bank Account? Contra account against Revenue in presenting in the Income Statement.

Your advised would also affect the Cash Flows " My assumption"

Best regards

Yes, Thank you for confirming Mohamed.

though I'm feeling :( still have a great day! Thnx

Hi April,

You're more than welcome. Have a great day also.

All the best,


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