Purchase Order - Queries

Question asked by Gareth Ricketts 6 months ago

Xero offers a stage with Purchase Orders where they can be approved by others eg. management

Is this an option that can be considered?

Also in Clearbooks we can view Purchase Orders as:

All - Draft - Unbilled - Billed

Could we add in like Xero:

All - Draft - Awaiting Approval - Approved - Billed

This is the correct way Purchase Orders should be managed

8 Replies

Hi Gareth,

Thank you for this. I will pass this onto our Product team to review.


Can we also see who has raised a Purchase Order?

And is there also a way we can have a clickable link to a Purchase Order from within the Invoice screen?


Hi Gareth,

You can view who created the PO by heading to the Building Icon > Audit Log > Search for the PO.

For the clickable link, I will raise this as a separate request.


Wouldn't it be easier to see it on the PO screen?

We'd really like to see how many purchase orders employee x has raised, how many employee y has and so on.

We could then filter etc

Hi Gareth,

Unfortunately, the audit log is the only place to track changes. I will pass this feedback to our Product team.


Hi Gareth,

Unfortunately not at the moment. This is something I have logged with our Product team.


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