Receipt bank and Keebo integration. How do I Integrate Clearbooks with these packages?

Question asked by Natasha Newby 12 years ago


I have just found both these programs through your integrations list on the tour (as I was recommending your software to a friend). Since finding this last night I have signed up for a trial of both and definately want to use one of them. However a clearbooks integration is not listed on either of their sites, and I cannot find how to do this!

I could export Keebo as a csv and then import them to clearbooks, but I cant see an option to import a pdf of the document with this.

Any feedback on how to do this would be appreciated.

Natasha Newby

Nichol End

4 Replies


Please navigate to Tools > Add ons. This will show you the integration page for both Keebo and Receiptbank. You will need to put your login information for those integrations for your first connection. Once you have linked it, the login will stay connected to your Clearbooks until you revoke access.

In relation to the PDF links, you could use the links as part of the description but it will show up as a URL on the Clearbooks system when you do import.

Hope that helps


Hello Natasha,

When using the import function of Clearbooks, you must have the file as a CSV format. If you want to keep an attachment to an invoice, then you can use PDF format.

Hope that helps.


Hi Vanish

Thanks for your reply, I knew that already!

I suppose what I'm getting at is:-
1) How do I integrate Receipt bank?
2) How do I integrate Keebo?
3) Is it possible to have a link to a pdf file in a column of a csv document so I can import transactions and evidence in one go rather than importing transactions then spending all evening manually linking to the pdf document as evidence?



Please navigate to Tools > Add ons. This will show you the integration page for both Keebo and Receiptbank. You will need to put your login information for those integrations for your first connection. Once you have linked it, the login will stay connected to your Clearbooks until you revoke access.

In relation to the PDF links, you could use the links as part of the description but it will show up as a URL on the Clearbooks system when you do import.

Hope that helps


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