What does the mass update button do?
Question asked by A Clear Books user 11 years ago
What does the mass update button do?
Question asked by A Clear Books user 11 years ago
What does the mass update button do?
Hi Alyson,
The mass update button is particularly helpful if you have many transactions that are required to be explained in the same manner then you can use a common search term within the description via the lookup rule to do a bulk explanation.
Please do let me know if you have any further queries. I will be glad to assist you.
All the best,
Thanks for this but as all the descriptions are different (all different customers) I will end up making a lookup rule for each individual transaction. This will therefore take me longer.
Thanks for contacting Clear Books support.
The mass update button can be used to explain multiple transactions on an imported statement using a look up rule.
When explaining a receipt/payment on an imported statement you will have an option to create a lookup rule to the bottom of the menu. Hit the green plus icon beside the rule and set up the details as appropriate.
Once the lookup rule is created the mass update button will appear to the right of the lookup rule. If you click on the mass update button the system will search for all transactions on the statement with the same description (or part of the description) as the lookup rule. The transactions will automatically be explained based on the details of the lookup rule.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance, if indeed this was helpful, or if this raises any other questions.
All the best,