Bank details on invoices

Question asked by Tony Fogarty 10 years ago


I'm now doing my month end invoices - and they're not displaying my bank details for payment. They always have?!

5 Replies

Hi Tony,

I'm really sorry about this. This was in fact an error on our side but it has now been addressed and the fix has been made live.

Would it be possible to confirm if you're still experiencing any problems with this?

This is only partly resolved. My bank payment details are appearing on normal invoices... but not when I select the Paypal option. The paypal button is on the HTML, but the details I used to have appear on pdfs is gone. I'm guessing something has been reset, but I can't find it.

I've just taken a look into this and it seems the necessary details for the Paypal bank account are still displaying. Would it be possible to email in a screenshot of what you're seeing on your pdfs to contact support for me to investigate further?

Hi Tony

I too am having dfficulty with bank details not displaying on the invoice, if I go into invoice settings and preview the default invoice the bank details are there, but not showing when I go into an actual invoice.


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