Export of data as archive

Question asked by james hirst 10 years ago


I am leaving your service - circumstances have changed and I no longer need the clearbooks service.

I want to export the records, data, reports, etc, as an archive, in case they are required by accountant, taxman, etc.

Its important that the records conform at the minimum to the legal obligation to store such records, but ideally will also be as usable as possible should they ever need interrogating?

What format do you recommend, what process should I follow?

James Hirst

14 Replies

Hi James,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Exporting from Clear Books is a very simple process. We recommend you do this as a CSV file as that easily downloads onto your computer and can then be re uploaded to any system you choose.

To do this, please go to: Tools > Export > You can download the reports for any accounts year that you have set up on Clear Books > Tick the Download File option and the CSV will be downloaded to your computer > Save.

For a detailed guide, along with all exportable data please follow this link: http://www.clearbooks.co.uk/support/guides/export/data-export-tool/

I hope this helps and we are very sorry to lose you.

Many Thanks



What about exporting my receipts/expense attachments? I'd like to export all of these as an archive. In some instances the online file may be the only record I have.



Hi James,

You can export your expenses and the associated claims. If you use receipt bank then they will be in there. Also, you can download a back up of your account. This will contain every bit of data in the system.


Thanks Chris - but I can't find that export attachments anywhere...? What menu is it on i've just been scanning and then attaching jpegs to each expense entry...

Hi James, If you go to Tools > Export > Expenses that should do the expenses claim.


Hi Chris

To be clear - I have the csv file showing the expenses by following the instructions above. What I need and can't find, is a way to export the many jpg images/pdf's/etc of receipts that are attached to those expenses.

How do I do this? Your instructions above only generate a csv, no attachments.


Hi James,

I have looked into this for you and, unfortunately, the export tool will not include any of the attachments. The only way to download the receipts would either be if you were using receipt bank, or, if they are just attached to claims in Clear Books, you would have to do a print screen and download/print the images one by one.

I am sorry there is no easier way at present.



Does a backup include the receipt attachments?

(I need to keep a copy to comply with regulations, not for use day to day. Downloading manually could take weeks, and i don't want to pay for a service I no longer use.)


Hi James,

The back up will, unfortunately, not export any of the receipts or attachments only the data itself.



Wow - probably worth flagging that up when people setup a backup - I had no idea and assumed it was a backup of everything I have on your platform.

I'll just have to set aside a bunch of hours and do it manually :(


Sorry about that James, but we simply have no way of supporting that as it stands. We can certainly look into that in the future however.


Can you confirm what happens to the data if we cancel our subscription. I am in the same position as James above, I have thrown away the paper receipts that are attached to expenses etc. Now I am switching to Xero due to a change of accountant (was very happy with Clearbooks - just not the accountant!).

An obvious solution to me is that even if we cancel our subscription you would undertake to make sure that our data is not deleted for a period (whatever the statute on retention of documents is) so that if we are audited god forbid, then we could come back to you and ask you to reactivate the account (for a fee clearly) in order to supply that data to the taxman?

Any thoughts?


Doh! Dormant plan already exists.....

Hi Richard,

Yes, the dormant subscription is live and available allowing read-only access to your data held within your Clear Books account.

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