Is there a way to allocate time against a project and see how many hours are left?

Question asked by Sarah Turner 11 years ago

I want to allocate estimated hours against a project and then as I add daily timesheets see how much allocated time is left on the job.

So I want to set up a project, allocate 20 hours against it and then as I add time sheets for 2, 3, 4 hours, see at a glance how many hours are left.

7 Replies

Hi Sarah, Firstly you need to make sure that Time Tracking is switched on. Please do this in Settings > Organisation > Toggle Features. Scroll down to projects and Time Tracking and tick them. this will allow you to allocate timesheets to projects. Once done if you refresh the page and then head to Tools, you will see time tracking has been enabled. Here you will be able to allocate a project and add start and projected finish times, plus hours etc.

Please see these two guides for more information on Time Tracking and Projects: and

You will also see the timer tab, this allows you to enter a project and start a timer to see how much time has elapsed.

I hope this is what you were after.


Hi Chris

You say 'projected finishing times, plus hours'. But I can't see a section for 'hours' only projected finishing days. I'd like to be able to allocate hours to a job and then as the timesheets are added it shows the amount of hours left and also the total amount of hours spent. Is that possible? I'm just moving over from another project management tool but thought I'd give Clearbooks a try as I already use you for my accounts.

Hi Sarah,

Within the edit/create Time Sheet (Tools > Time Tracking > Create) you will see two fields, one called Hours and the other minutes. Is that what you are after?

That just logs the hours and minutes. But where can I see a total of hours and minutes spent and how that compares to the time allocated? At the moment it looks like I can log time but then have to take a calculator out and add up all the hours manually?

In Tools > Time Tracking > Timer you have the ability to create a project (Possibly match it to the project listed elsewhere) and start the timer ticking. You can add a note in the box at the bottom to act as a reminder of deadlines etc.

That appears to be as close as you can get at the moment.

Can Clearbooks look at amending that at some point in the future? The timesheet facility would be a really useful tool then rather than an area to record data only.

I see other people have asked about the total hours spent. Can CB think about addressing this?

Of course, sarah! If you add it into the ideas section our developers will be able to see it and if it receives support from other users we will look at implementing it in the future.

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