Multiple Accounts

Question asked by Helen Passfield 10 years ago

How do you enter transfers between bank accounts ie savings v deposit?

5 Replies

When explaining the items on your list (On the Bank Accounts Page), you can pick whether they were Transactions, Transfers, Refunds or Multiple items. If you click the Transfers tab it will let you explain which account it was being transferred from and what account it is being transferred to. - This is what the Tabs look like.


Hi Helen,

To transfer money between Bank Accounts you can head over to Money > Bank Accounts. Once there, on the right of the account you want to transfer money From, you click the 'Transfer Button' under the Process Money Column. You then fill out the relevant details and select the Account you want the money transferred To.

Kind Regards,

Hi Abdul

Sorry going the other way round. When the transfer has been made in the bank account and you want to rec it?


When reconciling a bank transfer, what you would have to do it delete one entry as it would show both Money coming in and Money going out. When you delete one side of it, you can then explain the remaining entry as a transfer between accounts.

ok so you just don't load one bank account in the first place? but then how do you handle this from the bank rec page?

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