Question asked by Andy Gambles 11 years ago
Whats the plan guys?
Question asked by Andy Gambles 11 years ago
Whats the plan guys?
Hello Andy,
We are looking into this and are actively developing it. It should be ready after it has been tested. The ability to show the invoice as a electronic supply will be added before the end of the year we hope.
The submission process will be early next year and needs to be tested with dummy data and sent to HMRC's development servers.
I must admit I haven't even had the energy to comment on Paul's post from a couple of months back yet!!
It's quite scary
Now seems I need to adapt my software to recollect all this information from the user before he buys?
Hi there
I need to apply Irish VAT (23%) to my customer's invoice.
When I manually calculate (23%) my invoice does not read manual and there is no 23% VAT option. The finished invoice reads 20% which is not the case. Is this feature not available on clearbooks or do I have the wrong idea of the stick.
Please help.
PS I did select Vat treatment "Digital Services to EU Consumer"