Silly mistake

Question asked by Richard Newstead 11 years ago

When I first started using clearbooks I got in a bit of a muddle. This resulted in me recreating a few transactions on my bank statement. one was a payment to a supplier. In doing this correction I omitted to attach the bank item to the purchase so it now looks like it has been unpaid. I dont want to delete the purchase it as it has the invoice attached. What's the best way to fix this?

Cheers Richard

2 Replies

Hi Shaz

I have managed to fix it myself. Thanks!


Hi Richard,

Do you need to allocate a payment transaction to an unpaid bill? If so please can you tell me the PUR ID number of the bill and the transaction amount or a direct link to the transaction amount so I can investigate this further for you.

I look forward to your response.

Kind Regards,


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