how can i export a bank statement from clear books to excel

Question asked by Muddssar Shahzad 11 years ago

how can i export a bank statement from clear books to excel

2 Replies

You can't per se - it's something that really needs implementing though, should come as standard.

What you can do is highlight/copy all items, paste into Notepad (to remove all formatting) then copy/paste over into Excel. You might have to quickly play around with the column headers and delete a pointless column or two but it's do'able as a workaround.

Alternatively, go to Reports > Transactions. Select the appropriate bank account from the 'account' dropdown, select the to/from dates you want it to cover and click find. You'll then be presented with a report that can be exported into excel or PDF. Only downside is it doesn't come with a running balance (which i'm sure you could rectify in Excel with a quick formula if needed).

I personally use the Notepad route, takes all of 30 seconds once you've done it a few times.

Hello Muddssar,

The only way to get the report is via what Kevin mentioned.

You will need to go to Reports > Other > Transactions and then filter for your bank and dates.

This will allow you to get a CSV of the statement. If you need a balance for the bank, you will need to go to your internet banking and export from there.


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