Cash basis accounting

Question asked by Nel Hargrave 11 years ago

Hi I am moving to cash basis accounting for 2013/14

Are there any reports set up which support this?

Do I need to change the way the depreciation is shown on my management reports (as under cash accounting, the full value of most items becomes an allowable expense?


4 Replies

Hi Nel - the full version of CB is designed around "accruals" accounting however, if you process all income and expenses through the bank account(s), without entering (and paying off) invoices & bills, then all the reports will become cash based.

A shortcut using the current version is to use the Cashflow report as the Profit & loss account which should equate to a cash basis set of books.

Finally, if you do decide just to use the books via the bank/cash accounts, you may be better off using the Cashbook version of the software, as it's cheaper:

Hope that helps

Hi Nel - so am I and I've been doing it for 40 years!

thank you! still getting my head around accounting....

Hi Nel,

As this is an accounting based query, I will need to confer this with our consultant accountant and then report back to you on this matter, once I've heard back from him. I hope this is okay?

Kind Regards,


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