Aged creditors reports

Idea suggested by Cate Hulme 14 years ago

It would be really useful to have an aged creditors report with the detailed information on it so that it can be downloaded for all suppliers as well as selecting one supplier only - needs to include invoices and payments on.

Also all current screens as well as report noted above to have dates of invoices as well as payments included.

Both of these would also be ideal for the aged debtors reports too

Many thanks

6 Replies

I need to be able to send a report to the business owner and also to their accountants, the drill down is just not sufficient

would also like to see the reference & date of the invoices when you drill down on the balance

Hi everyone - you can see a list of outstanding invoices by clicking on any of the total in the aged creditor reports. I appreciate this doesn't give you the list of payments requested.

I find this an extremely important tool to be able to view per debtor/creditor what invoices exactly are due/outstanding and the total per business... please add as a matter of urgency.

Totally agree - a report easy to make as Clearbooks already produces a summary

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