Export Attachments

Idea suggested by paul murray 10 years ago


How can I export my purchase ledger including attached files / invoices that have been paid and attached?



6 Replies

Hi Chris

What happens if I get an HMRC investigation in a few years and they need to see receipts for purchases?

I'm leaving clearbooks due to the recent price increase.

I always believed I could export my clearbooks data

Yeh, I remember writing asking for this too, still nothing done on the APIs for 4 years now.

Afternoon Gents,

Clear Books is always being developed and has evolved considerably since its state 4 years ago.

We have many ideas and ambitions for the software which are tapered by limited resources, so projects have to be developed based on a prioritisation basis. There many factors that are taken into consideration when prioritising where our development resources are focused.

Unfortunately, this idea is yet to reach the front of the development queue.

I would like to maintain that this is something I do believe would be a great addition to Clear Books but I would not be able to provide a timescale as to when you may be able to expect such a feature to exist.

I can't believe this was raised 2 years ago and still nothing has been done about.

The ideal would be a utility that zips up all the documents in one archive. Failing that, simply a page that has a list of all links to attached documents in S3 would be a vast step forward. We need to allow for audits and local copies of receipts after all...

Hi Paul, Unfortunately you cannot currently do that kind of export. However it is a great idea and we will see if our development team can look into doing this in the future. There are a few exports of attachments you can do. To see these go to: Tools > Add Ons.


I am sorry Paul, the most I can say is that we can put it forward to the product development meeting and get it worked on, but it is currently not possible to export attachments. As for the price increases, I am aware that this makes it hard for some people and I am sorry if you were not aware that it was going to happen.


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