Project Budgets

Idea suggested by Peter Leeson 13 years ago

I would be interested in the possibility of being able to manage smaller budgets, such as budgets for specific projects rather than having all my actuals always grouped in a single budget. Are there any plans to do something along these lines?

13 Replies

Being able to enter budgets against individual projects would be a good enhancement, especially if the project reports could then report against them

Hi Peter & David,

Please see this post, I believe it gives some of the answers you are looking for.



Which post? Is there a link?

Same question, Chris: please point us to the post you are referencing

As I understand it, this allows to allocate a budget to a project, as you say. However, I have still not found a way to compare the project's budget to the project's actual expenditure and revenue. The project information entered in transactions appears to be ignored in budget reports. As a consequence, this function is not actually of much use in budget management, it is a place to enter data for information purposes only.

I see what you mean now, Peter. Thanks for expanding on this. It will help our team to understand better how they may be able to implement this in the future. As with all out ideas, the more comments and support it receives the sooner it will be considered for implementation as it will be of benefit to a greater number.



I agree with Peter - this would be a very helpful improvement to the Projects feature.

Did this ever get implemented? This is such a crucial update. We run 13 different companies through Clear Books and being able to track project actual against project budget would be more than helpful ?

Sadly not to my knowledge. We've been exporting the relevant info from ClearBooks and running our reports in excel! Bit sad.

shame! Clear books ?

Hi Marc,

I'm afraid that this is not something we have immediate plans to implement. I have passed on the feedback to the development team (alongside prior feedback) and it is something we may revisit in the future when we free up space on our roadmap.

All the best,


Although this is an old thread, I wanted to note that we have released a new budgets feature that allows separate budgets to be created, and for these to be compared with actual values for individual projects. More information here.

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