Thanks John. What's happened with this idea? I was just about to create an idea posting myself regarding VAT, and noticed your posting.
In a similar way to your suggested Tax top-level menu, to make accessing the VAT Reports page easier to access how about changing the Dashboard's VAT panel?
At present, both of the links in the first two boxes in the above screenshot take you to the same Transactions list, with the VAT account selected. How about changing the first link to go to the VAT Reports page? Then, all three links have different - and useful - purposes:
- 'VAT' navigates to VAT Reports
- The VAT owed '£ xxx.xx' amount navigates to Transactions on the VAT Account - no change
- The individual VAT return '£ xxx.xx' amounts navigates to the respective Purchase Bill - no change
It's only a minor change, but would make navigating to the VAT Returns page a little easier.