Supplier payment on account

Question asked by Graham Godley-McAvoy 8 years ago

We've overpaid a supplier and would like to be able to 'explain' the balance as a payment on account without generating a bill. Can anyone help please?

4 Replies

Hi Graham,

If you do not explain imported statements you can add the payment from the Purchases>Money out menu. Once the payment is created you can allocate part of this to the bill that was overpaid.

If you do explain imported statement please let me know.

Hi John,

I would like to know how to allocate a payment when using imported statements please.

Can you advise?

Cheers Paul

Hi Paul,

In addition to what John explained above.

If you were to explain this from an imported statement then you would allocate the necessary amount of the payment to the bill. Any remainder can then be allocated to the account "Trade Creditors".

This account code may need to be enabled by heading to Settings > Accounting > Account codes, then enable "show in purchases".

Thanks, Theo

Thanks John, New to CB and didn't even know about this menu option!

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