Iphone Mobile App

Question asked by Peter Kempe 8 years ago

Is there an iphone app I can use? I only see an app available for android. Any help appreciated. I've searched the threads and most are years old.

15 Replies

Hi Peter,

Unfortunately there is currently no app available. Our old one has been removed from the appstore and while the creation of a new one is on our roadmap, it will not be available until some time next year.

We recommend that you access Clear Books through the browser on your mobile device. Our new navigation has been optimized for mobile devices so this should work well.

I hope that helps.

All the best.

Hi Stephen,

We are very close to releasing the mobile app. We are currently refining the OCR technology and hopefully should be released within the coming months. I will update you as soon as this has been released.

Thank you for your patience!


Hi Daniel,

Our Development team are currently working on this which will be released very soon! The app will also include OCR technology which will allow you to take pictures/ scan receipts to import into Clear Books. We will be announcing this as soon as this has been finalised!


No problem and we're all very looking forward to it too!


needs to be an app it was on your road map 3 years ago!

Hi Sky,

I do apologize for this, but we have a mobile app that is in current development at present so hopefully it won't be too long until we have an app ready to go.

Kind regards,


Can we have an update on this please! As an accountant I find it frustrating that i am expected to try to 'sell' this when ever other web based accountancy package has an app, an easy to use app at that. There did indeed use to be one for clearbooks, but you could not do anything with other than view? I will myself in the next year or so assess whether i continue with Clearbooks as my clients keep asking and if it is a choice between clients and your software then they will win every time. You cannot blame MTD for this, there has been no useable app forever!

I'm really sorry about this David - we are not working on a mobile app at the moment, however, it does remain an extremely high priority for us. I will escalate your comments to your account manager, but I can really understand how you feel - we certainly need a mobile app to boost the flexibility of CB.

Hi is there any update on the iPhone app at all??

This is something that’s desperately needed guys please can you do something with this it’s been well over a year now and in today’s fast pace an app is just a much better way for all your customers to keep the accounting updated

Hi Andrew,

Yes, this is very true and is something that we are very aware of. The delays in the redevelopment of this aspect of the system are due to two large projects that have been underway for some time now, one of which pertaining to the upcoming implementation of MTD (Making Tax Digital).

In the interim, due to the cloud-based nature of Clear Books, your account can be accessed using a browser on your mobile device, affording you the same access as on your desktop/laptop.

As further developments are made in this regard can be followed via our blog and monthly newsletters. https://www.clearbooks.co.uk/blog

Unfortunately no developments on this as yet - sorry Sam

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