Payroll Import - Gross Pay + Post Tax Deductions
Question asked by Chris Green 5 years ago
Hello, i have 2 queries on the payroll (i am currently trialing CBs)
Importing payroll into accounts I was surprised that when this import occurred that NET pay was transferred to salaries and the PAYE was sent to its own code. Now i have managed to move the taxes into salaries so it adds up to the gross pay, but would prefer to have the gross pay imported as 1 figure + employers costs such as NI. Can this also be imported as 1 figure for all employees as the TB seems to add the totals individually. This is a bit of a hazard with confidentially if pay details are available on the nominal ledger when they should really stay in payroll.
For example, the import would transfer £100k to Gross pay (thats gross pay for all employees) and then £13.8k to Employers NIC for one monthly payroll. The PAYE liability would then go to the balance sheet as an amount owing
Employee Savings We operate a scheme where employees can have a set amount deducted and we hold it as a savings scheme. They can withdraw it later. This is a post tax deduction. I have added it successfully to the payslipl, but due to the issues above it does not seem to import. I need this to be transferred to a balance sheet account (i.e. Employee Savings).
Are any of these possible?