Statutory Payments in Open Payroll
Idea suggested by Lizzie Fouracre 12 years ago
The issue that we have with Clearbooks Open Payroll is that it does not support what is one of the most basic payment types.
Statutory payments are unavoidable for most companies small or large, and I am surprised to say the least as to how you can provide a software with a cost attached of £10.00 per month for such a limited service.
No ability to process statutory payments means that your system is not viable for many companies and I am still trying to understand as to how any companies function with Open Payroll.
We have our accounting software package with you and for ease we would love to remain with Open Payroll. I just dont see how you can say that Open Payroll is RTI compliant when statutory payments are not an option?
How are your clients supposed to report statutory payments as we are now legally obliged from 6 April 2013 to report real time? We cannot simply refuse to make these payments as we cannot as employers report these payments, and from my understanding, so if I am mistaken I apologise, employers are unable to report online directly to HMRC.